It makes me sad when people tell me how terrible their sister is and how much they hate them. Mostly because I honestly have never felt that way with my sister. Even when Dree, my sister, would antagonize me or say something that I didn’t like, we would act like nothing happened five minutes later because Joel probably did something worth laughing about and we needed to tag-team it. "Thank you" does not even begin to cover how thankful I am for you so I am going to try my best.
Thank you for constantly reassuring me about what I think I can’t do. I worry about everything which causes me to believe that I couldn't do it. But you always break it apart to a point where there is nowhere to go, but forward.
Thank you for being completely honest with me when I need to hear it. Sometimes, I want to punch you in the face because you believe in complete honesty. Thank you for letting me hate you for 30 minutes and then later realize that you are right, leaving me to try to do or be better.
Thank you for being the Quinn to my Haley. Thank you for introducing me to "One Tree Hill." There is no need to say any more.
Thank you for picking me up off the ground when I was at my lowest. You have stood by my side through the worst time in my life. No judgments, no pushing, just having constant love through a time where I didn’t feel worth love. You gave me space when I needed it and held me close when I couldn’t be alone.
Thank you for making sure I never go back. Some days are just hard and you recognize that. Thank you for the constant calls, the "making sure you’re OK" texts, and movie days in bed when I feel like the whole world is on my shoulders.
Thank you for loving me despite my shortcomings. I still can’t believe that after 20 years, you still want to spend time with me. Oh wait, you have to. But thank you for accepting me and loving me even when I am irrational and dramatic. Let’s face it, I have my moments.
Thank you for constantly reminding me of what I deserve. You have consoled this broken heart so many times. And each time you remind me of my worth, to have patience, to trust the Lord and to enjoy my singleness.
Thank you for my nephew. I can’t tell you how thankful I am that I get to watch you raise a little boy. You are an amazing mother and I have a new kind of respect for you. I hope to be the type of mother that you and Mom are. It seriously brings me all the joy in the world knowing that I get to see Carter grow and learn. I hope that I can have an influence on his life like you have on mine.
Thank you for being an amazing example of hard work paying off. Last month, you graduated from college with a degree in nursing and three days later, gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. You pushed through with endurance and motivation to become a nurse while carrying around a human in your stomach. Pretty hardcore stuff.
You are my sister, best friend, dance partner, co-rapper, whootie, Beezus and my person. You give me constant confidence and love when I need it most. Thank you for believing in me and my crazy dreams. I’m going to make you proud.
Love you long time,
(Yes it is meant to be spelled that way.)