To My Niece, I Love You More Than You Will Ever Know | The Odyssey Online
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To My Niece, I Love You More Than You Will Ever Know

A short letter to my niece, I can't wait to see what your life holds in store.

To My Niece, I Love You More Than You Will Ever Know
Sydni Lantieri

To my niece, I will love you more than you will ever know.

You came into my life so unexpectedly but I would never change any of it. The first time I met you I had no idea how much a big part of my life you would be. Even though you and I are not blood, you are my family.

Since you were a few months old, I watched you grow into such a smart and beautiful little girl. I watched your first steps, heard your first words, potty trained you, taught you right from wrong and loved you unconditionally every single day. Not only do you have your amazing aunt in your life, you also have so many family members and friends who love you and would do anything in the world for you.

You certainly have an infectious way of making people fall in love with you. Everywhere you go, you are loved by everyone. You definitely know how to make yourself the center of a good way. As your Mimi (my mom) always says, "It takes a village to raise a child!"

You have 100% for sure had a village by your side. Now you are almost four years old, time has flown so fast with you in my life. There is nothing that I love more than when you call me your aunt. I hope that one day I have a daughter just like you.

All your life, everyone has always said how smart you were. You are so smart! In fact, your favorite thing to do is put puzzles together! You have always been a problem solver, and a strong independent leader, just like your aunt when I was little!

You are creative and imaginative; you can keep an entire crowd entertained for hours and hours on end and you love every little second. Everyone loves all of your singing and dancing to your favorite songs and telling all of your tall tales. It is incredible some of the stories that you imagine in your head. You are wise beyond your years. We always say that about you.

I hope when you grow up, you realize how much the people around you care for and love you. Each one of us would do anything in the world for you, in a heartbeat. I anticipate a very bright and successful life ahead of you. I look forward to you reaching so many different goals in your life. Before we know it, you are going to be graduating from high school!

Even through the rough times, just know that your aunt will always be here to protect and love you, unconditionally, no matter what for the rest of our lives. I know you will succeed in everything you do.

Love always,

Your favorite aunt.

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