Well, guys, it finally happened. We got our keys, we moved in, and now we are real life adults. We have chosen to move out of the comfort of the dorms and start a new adventure in our very own apartment. We will, undoubtedly, have so many good times at 910. We will laugh together, cry together, win, lose, succeed, and fail together inside of that apartment. Well ladies, I have something to tell you. Not everyday will be perfect. We will fight. We will yell at each other, get pissed at each other and even hate each other sometimes, but through it all, we will survive.
We have been friends for two years now, you would think that we have been through it all, but not yet. Moving in together and having to be adults presents us with an entirely new set of struggles to face and problems that we will have to overcome. We will get frustrated and yell. We will escape to the boys to complain about little things that each other do that make us mad. We will have to have some pretty ugly fights, but my promise to you two is that I will work my hardest to make sure that every fight is resolved, that our transition to living together goes as smoothly as possible, and that the memories of the good times absolutely outweigh the memories of the bad days.
As we try in the next few weeks to work through all the tension, remember that I love you and that we decided to live together for a reason, because we were friends that thought we could actually make it work and live together. It won’t be easy, and it won’t always be fun. We will not love every second of the tension and time we spend working it out and fighting our way through the first few weeks. We will struggle, that is for sure. We will, however, make it through. We will make it through buying more pots and pans. We will make it through adjusting to each other’s schedules. We will make it through the fights about parties, boyfriends, and having people over. Good times will come.
Well, so far, this is pretty dark and gloomy. Our first few weeks may be a struggle, but the sunshine will come again. Just imagine all of the amazing girls nights. All of the movie nights cuddled up on the couch. All the brunches and meals together. The random trips to Walmart at 2 a.m. for no reason at all. The weekends of just doing nothing and not even leaving the house. You two can make even 10-minute homework breaks fun. 910 will be the best time of our lives. We will make it through these first few weeks and have some of the best times of our lives in this place. This building represents our adulthood, the fun of college, our new lives, and our friendship. It will never waver or fall, even in the worst of storms. The Babe Cave will live forever!