To my college friends,
When I was getting ready to attend Smith as a first year, I was so nervous. I didn’t think I’d make friends right away, I thought I wouldn’t make any friends. I was scared that I would be alone and miserable. Somehow, I got lucky. I found you amazing people. I got pulled into a whirlwind of amazing friendships. I got the best roommate I could ask for first year, someone who never judged me or left me in my time of need. Someone who was always there and supported me all the time. I never thought I’d find that in a person, but yet there you were. And I’m so grateful for you and your support towards me. You’re an amazing human being and I care about you so much. I will miss you this coming school year and I hope you know how loved you are.
Then I met three other amazing human beings. One, who I could relate to through our struggles and the constant battles we face. This person made me feel like I belonged and that I had a purpose again in my life. I felt like I could finally accept that maybe being “different” isn’t so bad after all. And I started to embrace myself rather than reject who I was. I started to learn from you and grew into a better person.
But the next person I didn’t get to know very well until this year. We constantly ate breakfast together because I was too lazy to get up at 8 am every day when I had a 10:00 or 10:30 class. We’d talk about anything during those breakfast dates; I really looked forward to those every day. It was nice finally being able to bond with you and actually feel like I could say I was close with you. You taught me that it’s okay to open up and to talk about myself. You also taught me that its okay if I want to be a little wild at times, though I’m not at all. You taught me how to have a sense of humor and make jokes about the weirdest things. I think one of my favorite things about you is that fact that you will find something so funny and before you can tell any of us, you laugh for five minutes.
Then we have the music buff. I missed you throughout second semester and I’m so excited to have you back. I know we didn’t talk much, but I truly care about you and your friendship. I’m excited to have you yell at me when I do silly things and scold me when I mess up. I miss you constantly judging me and every one else. I also miss you getting angry at us when we don’t know where quotes are from. I just really missed you a lot.
Although, I left a lot of great people behind in my hometown, who I will never forget. Know, that I found a great group of people who are so supportive and always there for me. Who have become my best friends in such a short amount of time. This group of friends means the world to me and I couldn’t be happier with them. They’ve helped me grow as a person and helped expand my views on the world. They’ve taught me more about right from wrong. I honestly don’t know if I would have found this friendship anywhere else, but I’m so glad I chose Smith because I don’t know what I’d do without you guys.
I can’t wait to spend another two years with you all.