Moving does some weird things to you. You find those old items that you lost, forgot about, or didn't know you had. It's an awkward time of nostalgia and anticipation for the future. For that future, we found our family having to leave at different times. For my brother, he was the first to go for extracurricular activities at the new school; therefore, it is now currently my parents, adopted siblings, my two dogs, and myself. My family leaves as soon as I move into my last year of college, so I will not see them in December. This is the longest time going without seeing my family, and my brother. This leads to nostalgia, and a bunch of other mixed emotions.
So without further ado, here's a letter to you, my one and only blood brother.
I didn't realize how boring this house would become without your sarcastic remarks and general weirdness. You would randomly hit me with a foam sword, give me the bird, and make weird noises that would make me appreciate that my weirdness wasn't just me, it was hereditary. I didn't realize how well our general strangeness and humor fed off of each other, and how much a dynamic duo we were in the house until you left. For while I'm not used to seeing you while in school, it feels weird to be with the family without you, it's like something is missing? And half of the time it's the laugh so hard I'm crying kind of humor. I know everyone feels it too, and while this parting is only a temporary sacrifice that we must make, it still isn't fun to hear the house so silent. I wish I could wake up to you throwing profanities and yelling at your video games. I swear we need to make you a YouTube channel. Your rage quits are the most hilarious thing I have ever seen, and I've watched enough JackSepticeye, Markiplier, and Game Grumps to appreciate rage quits. It still doesn't compare to your imaginative 15 year old self. Which also reminds me, this is going to be the first year that I physically cannot come to celebrate your birthday, and for your big 16? Don't eat too much cake without me, ya jerk. Although, I know you will (or at least say that you will) because that is how this family rolls. We cannot get too sentimental or be too sweet to each other. So since this has gotten sentimental already, you're a huge nerd who needs to learn to love themself and stop playing Destiny. Oh well, at least you never were one of those cliche CoD 12 year olds, back in the day. Regardless, I hope you are having fun and kicking ass on your new football team. I know this has already gotten too sentimental and you're gonna hate that I posted this on an online platform, but I know deep down you'll appreciate it. Behind that stone cold sarcasm and stoicism is a really sweet boy who is close to his family and loves them dearly. After all, we have been close since you were in the womb. While you may be taller than me, you will always be my little brother, and unfortunately that comes with mushy gushy rants on how much I love and miss you.
Hope you have the time of you life out in California until I can visit in December.
Love, your big, overly sentimental, weirdo of a sibling.
(P.S. Aunt Maria took a fantastic picture of you. Can't wait for the epic mixtape you about to drop.)