Dear Carter,
I know your parents will show you this letter one day when they feel like you're ready for it, but I wanted to write it now because I feel like it is the right time.
As your aunt and someone who has been close to you since the day you were born, I just want you to know that you have been a blessing in my life from the very beginning. You are the strongest, bravest, and sweetest little boy I ever met and I know God made you different for a reason.
When I found out that you had autism I cried, I was angry, and didn't understand how this could happen to such a loving little boy. I was angry at the world for awhile but then I came to realize something. When I found out, I got closure and so did our family. For years we had been trying to get you the help you needed and I think we were angry at ourselves because we didn't know what to do. So.. I realized that finding out was a blessing because we could finally figure out how to approach it and take care of you. Once I realized that, I prayed to God that you would beat every statistic and every challenge you are faced with, I looked for comfort in friends, and seeked support from our family. Because of you we have become closer as a family and because of you we tell each other we love each other more. So I want to thank you for that. Your only four years old and have already managed to amaze me and surprise me everyday and I can't wait to be there to watch you grow up and continue to amaze and surprise me.
You have made me a better person and showed me that there is so much to life than what I thought. You have made me realize that Debbie Reynolds was right in the movie Halloweentown when she said, "Being normal is vastly overrated."
So I want you to know that I will always be here for you, no matter how old you are and that I want you to laugh and smile because that big smile of yours is unbelievably contagious and God only knows that the world needs more smiling.
I will now end this letter with a quote that I feel defines our family. "Autism doesn't come with a manuel, it comes with a family who never ever gives up on you." I promise sweetheart we are never going to give up on you.
Aunt Roo Roo