My first year of college was a roller coaster and you know that first hand. Between mental breakdowns, swearing I would drop out, late nights crying to you on the phone, and last minute trips home when I needed a good meal and a hug, you helped me through it all. I cannot put into words how thankful I am to have survived my freshmen year with you. So now as I leave for yet another year, here's some things I don't want you to forget.
I promise I will tell you at least five more times that I'm going to drop out of school and live at home for the rest of my life. When I say this, remind me of the times when I smiled so big from that A+, the long nights spent with my best friends, and the excitement I've always had for the future.
I promise once again I will call you complaining about classes and squeak between teary sniffles that "these classes are just too hard for me." When I do this, remind me of the day that I finally decided my dream major, the day I scheduled my classes, and the day I said "the hard work will pay off in the end."
I promise I will think of you every day even when I'm not complaining and need a shoulder to cry on. Even when I don't need an extra $20 for a random T-shirt, and even when I don't need you to come pick me up for the long weekend.
I promise I will think of you even when things are going great and I have not a care in the world. I promise I will think of you even when it seems I no longer need you. I will always remember my rock back home and the mother who made me the strong, independent woman I am today. Thank you for helping me get this far, and in the good and the bad you will always be my number one. Here's to another crazy year ahead.