Never have I ever allowed politics to infuriate me more than it has now.
My mangers are and were Pro-Trump. They voted for Trump because they believed he was not a crooked man. They believed Trump was anti-establishment.
Frankly, I feel hurt. Hurt that my manager, who the majority are men, would excuse a rapist, a sexist and so on so forth, as a perfect candidate when this man is far from the perfect candidate. Trump promised hate, he promised borders and walls.
Trump made it seem as if being a woman was a crime and because being a women meant that I can be touched. That I can be talked down to. That I can be denigrated to nothing.
Trump ran a campaign based off racism and sexism. However, he still received votes. People voted for him because they thought he was different. People believed that he could "Make America Great Again." But the real question is: When was America ever great? White America seems to forget that the United States was only "great" for white people. Correction: for white males.
Now, it appears that everyone is outraged. Many people are trying to keep the peace in a place where there is none.
For now, protests will continue and I will protest along with everyone else because Trump is not my President. He was not my first choice. Bernie Sanders was my choice. Hillary Clinton was my second choice.
But to my managers who voted for Trump, I no longer feel as I matter within the company. Because like Trump, you only see me as a body who is not worth equal pay and does not have a right complain when I do.
Since the election, I have been down. I no longer will be because I stand with everyone who is outraged with the outcome.