Mom, I just wanted to write a little something to let you know how much I appreciate you.
If I turn out to be half the woman you are someday, I'll be doing pretty good. You have been the best role model in my life. I hope you know that even on the days when you feel like you messed up, I still think the world of you. When life knocks you down, you always get right back up.
I can always count on you to be honest with me. Sometimes it's not what I want to hear, but someone needs to tell me. Other times I can count on you to tell me "that shirt doesn't go with those shoes." No matter what it is, I know you'll tell me the truth.
You've always been my biggest fan, so thank you. No matter what it was, you were always right there cheering me on. I know soccer and swim meets aren't the most exciting things, but you were there. You continue to be there as I get older, and encourage me to go after what I want.
You've been my go-to person for most things in life. Whether it's relationship advice, friend advice or fashion advice, I always ask you. I know my dilemmas never fall on deaf ears when I come to you. Most times, if I would've listened to you in the first place, I could've avoided a lot.
I also want to tell you how sorry I am. I'm sorry for the countless hours you've spent worrying about me. I'm sorry for the fights we've had and the times I made you feel like I didn't care. I don't mean to make you worry, and I know you're doing your best to let me spread my wings.
I also know that any day spent with you will never be a dull moment. Do I even have to mention the Rue 21 incident? Or what about Canada? Just the other night when I accidentally smacked you in the head with a tennis ball? You're my best friend and I love every moment I get to spend laughing and talking with you.
I just wanted to remind you how much I appreciate you. I know I'm not always the best at telling you, but I'm so thankful for you each and every day. Thank you for every little and big thing you do.
Thank you for being the best mom ever. I love you to the moon and back momma bear.