It’s crazy that I have been away for three months already. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you. You are a part of me. When I left for school, I left part of myself with you. No one gets me like you do. You are my family, my blood.
To start, I want to apologize. I know that moving away was so hard for everyone in our family, especially you. I hate that I can no longer be there to hang out with you or laugh with you. I’m sure that it’s also hard to now be the only child. Family is sometimes a lot to handle. Life is different now and maybe it sucks. I am sorry that I can’t be there in the mornings to let you know what outfit I think is cuter or to give you advice. I truly miss you like crazy.
Next, I want to encourage you. You are such a smart, beautiful, and funny person! Though life may be crazy now, you can do it. I can’t believe it’s your senior year of high school already. You have grown up to be such an amazing person. You now have to make your own choices and decisions. Now believe me, when it comes to picking a college and everything that goes with it, there are SO many decisions. Try to not be overwhelmed. Everything will settle down eventually. Soon there will be no more ACTs or SATs. You will be able to see the future clearer and take a breath of fresh air. I am confident in your God-given abilities that you can succeed at whatever you put your mind to. I also want to encourage you to keep pushing hard in school. Don’t give up.
Finally, I want to let you know that my life is so much different without you. It might not always seem that way from all the photos with my new friends I post or how it seems like I am doing great all the time but, sometimes life is terrible without you. No one understands me like you do. It’s sometimes really hard to be away from you. You are my best friend.
Well, even if I am not there physically to be there with you, I am always just a phone call away. I love you so much and am proud of the person you are. Though I miss you so much and this season right now is hard, with time, this distance will get easier. We can learn to make this work and I will get to see you real soon. We can do this sis!