To my little sister (AudgePoo),
First, let me say how very, very proud of you I am. At the crazy, young age of 17, you joined the strongest and most powerful Army in the world. You kicked A-word at basic training and not only proved how tough you were mentally but physically as well (made evident by those killer abs the Drill Sergeants beat into you). I still can hardly believe you qualified EXPERT with your weapon, you target-shooting, booty-kicking soldier. You’re the coolest 17-year-old I know, and I’ll never stop thinking it; not even when you’re 97. Soon, you will start an even more exciting and possibly just as rewarding experience: college.
I know lately applying for college seems to weigh heavily on your mind. Even though I’m dangerously close to calling Clemson and sabotaging your application, I really hope you get accepted into every university you apply to. You are hardworking and truly wonderful, how could they not all fight over you? As you collect your recommendation letters and proofread your personal statements, I want to remind you of a couple things as you push bravely through this process.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
You are beautiful, not only on the outside (forever jealous of your hair but it’s whatever), but you are glowing and radiant on the inside as well. Both your heart and your mind are ones to be treasured, and I challenge you never to forget that. God has created you; He has knit you with intention and stitched you together in perfect and precise detail. No matter the outcome of these college decisions, remember whose work of art you are. Recognize your worth, and do not forget the thoughts and love that went into creating your unique and compassionate self.
You are not defined by the contents of a letter.
Come late January/early February, colleges across the Southeast will send you their replies. No matter what sits inside those envelopes, know those words do not define your significance. You are not a failure if some rando’ sitting at a computer screen in a musty university office is silly enough not to welcome you with open arms. You are so, so, so much more than a college acceptance or a college deference. You are the child of the King and loved by so many people who can’t wait to see you achieve great and exciting things.
While the Lord takes care of the fields, even more will He take care of you.
How reassuring and down-right cool is it that we can rest in knowing God’s plan for us will always bring Him more glory and us more joy than any of our own dreams ever could? All we have to do is trust in the Lord’s truths and in His promises. This translates from the university you decide to attend to the major you study to the roommate you find. Luke reminds us of God’s care for the grass, which is thrown away tomorrow. How much more will He care for you, His living, breathing creation He sent His Son to save? God has had your paths mapped out before you were even a thought in mommy or daddy’s minds, and before they were a thought in the minds of our grandparents. Rest in knowing He will work everything out for your good, as long as you continue to walk in faith and in love. You might be planning your way, but the Lord will establish your steps (Proverbs 16:9).
You are L-O-V-E-D by all of us.
No matter where you go, no matter what you do, our love and support will follow. Whenever you come home, I’ll be lying on your bed in wait with the latest Netflix episodes of "Grey's", balancing a plate of hummus in one hand and a homemade smoothie in the other. I want you to always remember the family who cheers for you the loudest and who loves you the most. No matter what, we will always be around to make you smile.
So, my lovely kleine Schwester, please know how much I love you. Know that I am rooting for you every day and cannot wait to see how Jesus will use you in this next season of your life. Wherever you find yourself, I know it will be filled with Christ-loving friends and a Zoe's Kitchen nearby. I pray for you often and will be here for you always.
your big sister, Emalooloo *poop emoji*