Dear Little One,
I promise you…
- You will have more good days than bad ones.
- Being yourself is the best thing that you can be.
- The number on the scale does not define you.
- Happiness is a feeling, not a destination.
- Life will get messy.
- Loving too much is better than not loving at all.
- You will find your forever friends, one day.
- Someone is going through the exact same thing that you are.
- Love should not be a competition.
- The truth does set you free.
- Guilt is not something to be ashamed of.
- Regret is not something to be ashamed of.
- You are given a blank canvas every morning, paint it however you want to.
- You will make mistakes.
- Life is not always black or white.
- Things get easier.
- I am always here to talk to you.
- Boys are not everything.
- Sometimes pizza does solve everything.
- Sometimes pizza doesn’t solve anything.
- Setting your goals high is a good thing.
- Living is the moment is way better than living in the past.
- If it’s not going to matter in five years, spending more than five minutes on it is a waste.
- Family is forever.
- You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to.
- You do not have to apologize for being who you are, ever.
- School is hard, but it is not forever.
- Your friends you make now may not be there a few years from now.
- But, sometimes they will be.
- You’ll only regret the chances you didn’t take.
- It is normal to have doubts.
- Fear will try to take over your body.
- Cookie dough is better raw than cooked.
- Someone is always looking out for you.
- A good book can clear your mind.
- Laughter is contagious.
- Sleep is not for the weak. It’s for the strongest people I know.
- Your mom loves you.
- You are destined for such great things.
- Blanket forts are fun no matter how old you are.
- You can have your cake and eat it to.
- You can eat as much of it as you want, it is your cake.
- Snow isn’t always a bad thing.
- Money is not everything.
- It is ok to want boys, but don’t need them. You don’t need them.
- Respect from boys does not have to be earned, you have already earned it.
- You are capable of incredible things.
- Happiness is attractive.
- Your voice matters. Use it.
I promise you that no matter what, you will be okay.
You will be great.
Love always,
Your big one.