I respect you fully. You have been in school probably close to as long as I have been alive and your walls of degrees and awards show just how passionate you are about what you believe in. However, there are some things that us college students need you to understand. I personally am from a small town raised in a very conservative, Christian home. I was told to work for what I got as soon as I was old enough to do so and to love everyone as Christ would. I was also taught to stand for what I believe in no matter what. There are many students just like me who strive to be as successful and academically inclined as you, the only difference is we have slightly different beliefs.
You are amazingly intelligent and we can see that in your face and words alone. Therefore, you already have our genuine respect and praise. But the sad thing is, you wont be able to get a single word in our minds if you don't understand where we are coming from. We are all very smart kids who care about our future, so when you decide to make us feel stupid or less of a person, it goes to the heart. Here's the sad thing, I can't remember every professor I have ever had... but I can tell you all about the professor who handed an essay back to me saying it was "too conservative" like I should be ashamed of my position in politics and life. I am proud of who I am and what my studies have taught me to stand up for.
I understand you have done many studies on the world and populations and statistics. With that being said, saying "poor blacks and poor women" all the time gets old. I am a white female and I have never felt inferior to a man and never will. Not because I am uneducated or confused, but because I am smart enough to do just as well if not better than any man I will ever meet. Is racism and sexism a problem? Absolutely, and I wish they would see all humans are humans no matter what. But that doesn't mean I should walk around thinking "poor me" and expect better treatment just because I am a "woman in a man's world".
Now on a not so polite note, if I hear one more time how horrible and corrupt law enforcement officers are I may scream and throw my books. This world does not have a race or gender problem, it has a heart problem. Just because there are statistics proving your side, doesn't mean there aren't statistics proving mine as well and as a scholar you should know that. My father goes and risks his life every day to protect ungrateful people like you every day just so I can go to class and listen to you tell me how horrible he is and that is wrong. The truth is, without him, you wouldn't even have the freedom to tell me what to believe and who to hate.
You are my superior and for that, you have my utmost respect. But like most of my classmates, I need your respect in return as a fellow peer. Together as professor and student, there are so many things we can discover and create but right now there is a major dividing line. You can vote for Hillary or Sanders and think how racism is still popular and how cops are criminals all you want. But I need you to understand some of us support Trump not because we are stupid republicans jumping on bandwagons, but because we are educated men and women that have different beliefs than you. We are aspiring scholars just as you once were and we want you to respect the fact that we can believe in different things and still be just as educated.