Ahh.. The time has come I guess. I'm sorry, you're getting a public announcement of something extremely personal, but too bad. I have to spill this to this human being, and no his real name is Gregory, but 'Leroy Jenkins' is a nickname.. So let's begin.
To my Leroy Jenkins:
This is the year where we are together in person for Christmas. Not as best friends and partners-in-crime, but as a couple. What. the. heck. right? I don't know, you know I'm not good at vocalizing my emotions. Writing was always the key to my emotions so here, I'm making this just for your viewing pleasure and public to reveal how ballsy I can be.
There is not one moment where I can't think of a day without speaking to you. From the day we met till now, we have been at each other's side dealing with everything that attacked us. Mainly the happy attacks, but there were serious ones too. You were the first one I can consider a true friend in college, you were silly and out there in the most positive way. You were sweet and caring and goofy whenever I needed to smile. You well, you were a nerd that understood me and forced me to open the doors I desperately tried to lock away for good. You knew of my past and I knew yours and we would laugh as if we knew each other a lifetime. We have the same interests beyond any best friend would possess. You were the first person I took to the grave to meet my grandparents, the first to hear me cry my eyes out when the stress fell apart in my world and make me feel like a human being. You were the first other than my family to treat me like I was important to the world and never judge me for my actions. Even after we didn't see each other for two years, you were the first I needed to speak to whenever I was going crazy. You were the first to push me to keep going when my mother and father had a hard time to get through my thick ass skull.
When you came to Hudson to see me a year ago, the millions emotions of our union overwhelmed me. I was a mess from the staples copy center and you were just getting used to Hudson's surroundings. You bought me pizza and we sat in the cold and laughed while I stared at your bright blue eyes. I was blessed, and today I am happy even when it doesn't look like it sometimes. When we officially became a couple after struggling with our own ordeals. It felt natural, it felt safe, it felt right. The ones before we dated were good, but only trials to avoid the truth; we were suppose to be a couple. I was scared since I didn't want to ruin our friendship, but here we are almost an year into it and we're alive.
The truth is, I have no idea how to thank you for the five years of friendship and nine (almost ten) months of this oddity we call a relationship without crying my eyes. I want the adventures with you to keep going after we move into our first home together. I wish for so much for you and I hope I keep you somewhat sane or steady for the next steps in our shared life. It's weird knowing that I fell in love with you in the mist of various hell fires.
So thank you Gregory.. Thank you for everything you did even when we were three hours away for two of the five years of our friendship. Thank you for letting me hold and kiss you when the tough get going. Thank you for accepting and loving me.. Merry Christmas my Cheshire-Cat.
Love your Hatter of a Wolf Pup.