The world we live in is a messed up and complicated world. Here I am sitting comfortably in my hotel room getting ready for bed while 50 families in Florida mourn the deaths of their loved ones that were gunned down in a club with at least 53 praying for a recovery of those that were injured. As the world goes on it only seems to get more and more screwed up, or perhaps it's only because with technology and the media the way it is we just see more of the evil that's in the world. I kind of feel it's because the world is becoming overpopulated and people just don't know how to live together peacefully. It makes me even question if I should have kids; I guess we'll know how that decision went if you do end up reading this. I hate to sound cheesy, but I would say that if you are reading this it means that I have faith in humanity and the power of love. Even if you are adopted, it's because the same applies to you and I want to show you that someone does care and does love you; even if we are not blood related we are still part of the same species and on the same earth and I want to do my best to make it better.
I know there will be times I upset you, or seem unfair but it's only because I want to look out for you. That doesn't mean I'll always be right but just know I will do my best to listen to you. The world will be a different place by the time you read this and I will be a different person, hopefully much wiser and more loving. Even if it doesn't seem like I care, it's only because I want you to experience the world in your own way, but a humble and more independent way than I did.
Of course I will do my best to protect you, but it's not possible for me to be there all the time so I will do my best to prepare you for the world and show you what is out there; not so you can fall victim or get lost in the darkness, but so you can be a light for others and stay strong when the road gets rough.
Nothing stays the same forever and you will see so many things I would never imagine, just remember that life is fleeting and to this earth we are all just dust in the wind (that's a reference to the band Kansas's popular song, you should check them out). I won't know it all, and nobody else will either. All I can tell you is when the world gets dark the best thing you can do is stay positive and keep moving forward, taking as many people with you as possible. Don't be afraid to shine just because you won't be the brightest star in the sky.
The night sky is most beautiful when it's filled with millions of stars, big or small, bright or dim. Don't compare yourself to others and their success, just keep working towards your goals and become a shooting star leaving a trail for others to follow. I pray you never have to experience or see many of the troubles that exist in the world today. You will still see your fair share of bewildering and painful actions in the world, but don't get caught up in it for long or let it drag you down. Stay strong and carry on my wayward son (or daughter, it's another Kansas reference)!
Well good luck, I love you, go kick ass!
Your father.
This was something I wrote about a week ago after the Orlando shooting. While thinking about what happened, I wondered how would I explain something like this to my kid, that is if I had one. It wasn't just the Orlando shooting either, there have been so many crazy things around the world that have happened and so many people that are blind or at least act blind to the craziness that goes on.
Many people do see the craziness and decide to be angry at it and keep a callous attitude towards the world. I know it's hard to stay positive all the time and we all make mistakes, but don't let the world tear you down. Stay honest, keep on smiling, and put kindness out into the world; what you put out in the world will come around someday, if not for you at for your children or those you loved.