To My Brother,
Thank you for being an amazing brother. I love you dearly and always have such a great time hanging out with you. You are smart, hardworking, funny and truly wonderful to be around. You always know how to make me smile. You are the best brother that I could ever wish or hope for!
To be honest, when you were first born and I held you in my arms for the first time, I thought you did not like me because you started crying as soon as I held you. When I held you for the first time, I thought you were the most beautiful baby I had ever seen and from that moment, I loved you and promised myself that I would do everything in my power to take care of you and always be there for you!
Your drive for everything you do in life inspires me! You work so hard on and off the court that I can't help but, be motivated to give everything I do 100% of my focus because that is what you always do. Your body is insanely strong but, what is even stronger is your mind! You push yourself like no one else I have ever seen before and I am just so proud of you for all the hardwork and effort you give day in and day out. Your hardwork always pays off so, don't ever stop working the way you do!
Our relationship is quite different from yours with Alli. We are not entirely similiar but, we are also not entirely different. I may not be an athlete like Alli but, that does not stop us from connecting on the highest level. We always have gotten along really well and we have always been close. Even though I am the older sister, I often feel like you are the older brother. Thank you for always taking care of me and thank you for always having my back no matter what!
Thank you for being someone that I can always count on! I know you will be there for me if I ever need you and please know I will always be there for you if you need me!
I love being able to spend time with you! We always have such a good time together. I love watching scary movies with you or just talking. We always know how to have fun together! I love swimming in the pool with you or talking in our own language. You have always gotten me so, thank you for getting me and accepting me for all of who I am.
I know you are going to do amazing things in life! You put in the effort so, you will reap the rewards. Keep working hard and never settling for anything less than you can be. I can't wait to watch as you grow and mature over the years. You are already are very mature so, by the time you are my age, you will be so ahead of all your classmates.
I love you BK and I am so lucky to have you as a brother. Thank you for being you. Never change who you are because you are perfect the way you are!
Thank you for being the best brother that I could ever ask or wish for! You are so special to me. Never forget how much I love you.