Dear High School Sweetheart,
I want to start off by saying that we have not had a perfect relationship by far, but the fact that you have been here consistently through the ups and the downs, the highs and the lows, the mountains and the valleys, the good and the bad, the pretty and the ugly, truly means a lot. I know we have faced many obstacles and even some nasty break ups, but through it all we find the best in each other. They say that the people you meet in life are either a lesson or a blessing, and I am so blessed to say I have you in my life.
I remember when we had our first fight, you got so upset that I had texted another guy, but you forgave me within minutes. I should have realized then that you cared for me as much as you do. I didn’t deserve to be forgiven, but you forgave me any way. If that doesn’t show love, I don’t know what does. This happened more than once, and I was ignorant to think I could do it again and again. I was young and I didn’t realize what I had until you were really “gone”.
The time had come for me to allow you to move on and for me to do the same. However, it wasn’t but months later before we were back in each other’s arms. The time we had apart was a time to really reminisce on the past and our future. I asked myself questions like: Did the good outweigh the bad? Did we really love each other so much that we could be so forgiving? The answer to both of these questions is yes. There isn’t a moment I can think of that I would change. Sure I have regrets, I mean who doesn’t, but we can’t change that now, we can only change the present, which then redirects our future.
Now that we have found our way back to each other, I finally have the opportunity to tell you how much you mean to me and that you always seem to find a way to make me the happiest woman alive. I know this is going to be a sappy article and some might not enjoy it as much as you, but I could seem to care less about what others think.
Like I mentioned before, the good has always outweighed the bad. Whether it be that I have had a bad day or that I simply am stressing to the max, you seem to know how to make me smile (and not many people do). There have been many days where you have had to make me smile just because I am a stubborn and difficult person, and I know you can’t disagree with that! I want to thank you for that. Every smile you gave me allowed me to love you even more.
Not everyone has been given a chance to openly share all of their flaws with their boyfriend/girlfriend, but I am grateful I have. You make me crazy sometimes when you say I don’t need the makeup or that throwing my hair in a messy bun is just enough. But yet again, you amaze me. Even when I look in the mirror and I know that I look like a horrid mess, you see right through all of it. Because of you, I can walk with confidence and know that natural beauty is the best beauty. Thank you for allowing me to be myself.
You know me better than anyone. I have to say, I think you know me better than any of my family members. Some people will think this could never be true or that I am just saying this, but honestly, you really do. There are times I could have this weird look on my face and everyone asks me, “What’s wrong?” and I just say “nothing”, but then you see me and you instantly know what is going on. Most of the time it’s you asking me “What do you want to eat? Because I know you’re hangry.”, and other times you know not to say anything because I just need a comforting hug or a shoulder to cry on. Thank you for being my rock and always being there regardless of our relationship status.
With that being said, you also know that I take my faith seriously. Just being able to see God move in your life has changed the way I see you, but for the better! No you’re not perfect, and neither am I, but God is working in you and to see that happening is life changing. And, to know you go to church for yourself and your relationship with God and not for me is breath taking. I know before I tried making you go to church with me, but instead I should have just been praying about it. I’m sorry I went about it the wrong way, but I thank the Lord because he had something else in mind.
I know I could write for ages about us, but I am not going to. I just want you to know, as well as the whole wide world, that I am thankful for you and all that you do for me. These little snippets of our story bring back so many memories, and I honestly have no idea how you put up with me for all these years. But again, I want to thank you for loving me as much as you do.
Here’s to the rest of our journey.
I love you,
Your High School Sweetheart