My Dearest High School Friends,
Welp, the time has come. Starting this week, we all will be leaving St. Louis and heading back to our other lives. The ones we spent all last year creating. I know you all are antsy for this to happen. The prospect of returning to independence and new friends is exciting. And don't get me wrong--I'm excited to return to school as well. There is a lot waiting for me there.
But, I will miss you guys.
If the past three months have revealed anything, it is just how close we all are. Even though we didn't talk nearly as much as we did during high school (I mean, it's difficult to recreate our lunch table discussions and morning gatherings on the floor outside the Latin classroom), our dynamic hasn't really changed. There is still our easy, random conversation. There is still the occasional sass. There are still many, many puns.
So I want to take this time to thank you.
First, thank you for your understanding and support. No matter what activities I do, or what TV show I obsess over, you all have my back no matter what. You praise my interests and do not find them to be weird at all. From gushing about an actress I like to explaining the Christ symbolism in a new television show I discovered, you all listened to me, asked questions, and took my fangirling extremely seriously, even though I felt a tad embarrassed on the inside. And I cannot describe the support I felt from you all as I studied my way through my summer classes.
Thank you for always being down to hang. We've gotten to that point in our friendship where we can just be in a room together and call it a get together. Of course, we did other things as well. Kraft Klub 2k16 will go down in history as the longest time we all have worked on a project (7+ consecutive hours). The amount of times we went to Raising Canes was copious but amazing. And when we watched the Olympic Opening Ceremony, complete with pizza, puns, and sassy comments. Of course, the puns follow with whatever we do, and I would never change that.
Thank you for going along with my antics. I get many ideas in a day, and you all go along with them as if they were normal. Basically, thank you for your patience and willingness to fit going along with my ideas in your already busy schedules (even if it includes enduring 100 degree heat while wearing pants on more occasions than once). And thank you for encouraging my love of costumes. I feel this one goes without saying.
(I'm Dobby the House Elf, or the one in the bed sheet up front.)
And finally, thank you for loving me. I realize all the above fall under this category, but it needs saying nonetheless. This summer has made me realize the innate love we all have for one another. It is not questioned or debated. It just is, and that is beautiful.
I love you guys so much,
Your High School Friend