Wow. I cannot believe that today is the day you are marrying your lifetime best friend. In just a few short hours, you will say, "I do," and I will have tears streaming down my face.
In high school, we used to say we would never get married. No matter how many guys we dated, none of them were good enough. Yet, you found a man that fits you perfectly. He brings out your silly side and can make you smile - even in pictures. We tried for years to get you to smile in a picture, and he was able to accomplish it within minutes.
He has seen your crazy girl side and still loves you to death. He defends you with all he has and only wants the best for you. He befriended your friends, and you did the same for him. Your family has become his, and he takes them in with great pride.
As you take these next steps into your life, I hope you remember everything we have learned. Marriage, like friendship, has tests. These tests can either make you as a couple, or tear you apart. But I have no doubt in my mind that you will overcome every test. Because that is who you are, and that is who he is. He has stood by your side through some of the hardest things you will ever have to experience -- and now he vows to be there through everything else. Good and bad.
He will see you broken, happy, frustrated, enthusiastic, confused, and so many other things. But he will never look at you differently. I see this, and always have. He loves you, and there has never been a moment for me to question if he is the one for you.
Looking at pictures of us. Very old pictures. I can't believe how much we both have changed, but one thing will always remain -- our friendship. I value all of the time we have spent and grown together. Thank you for the many years of friendship.
So as you walk down the aisle today, know that I will be crying. I will be crying because my high school best friend is marrying the man of her dreams. The man every girl hopes to set out and find one day. The man you are lucky enough to hold onto forever.
Congratulations on your marriage and future. You two deserve the best, and I can't imagine you with anyone else.
I love you always and forever, best friend!