Everyone grows up thinking that their dad is a knight in shining armor, their protector against the world. But as so many grow up, they realize their dad is just like them, someone that can feel hurt and pain, someone that can be broken down. Everyone grows up having their dad being their hero and for so many that fades, however for me it gets stronger every year. My dad is not invincible but that makes him even stronger.
My dad has been my best friend since as long as I can remember. He has impacted my life in every way. He taught me the little moments count, that those are the memories that you will always remember. Those weekend errand trips will always have a special place in my heart. He taught me to never take life too seriously, taught me how much fun it can be to embrace yourself in every way and laugh. Laugh until your stomach hurts. He taught me what it means to be loyal and devoted to your family, the love he shows for my mom every day, the love he shows for my siblings and I every day has shown me the power love possess. The power of family. He taught me to love myself, take pride in my weird ways. Take pride in the fact I was good at school, taught me that I was a “geek,” that it just ran in the family. He helped me see myself as beautiful – without makeup or with. Taught me to embrace and love life.
My dad has always been my number one fan, still is. Always in the background of all my sport pictures, always cheering me on. That support gave me the power to push through, I always wanted to make him so proud. He inspired me within my career choice. He showed me the influence one person can have within the healthcare field. How taking an extra moment, lending an extra hand, and having a passion for your occupation is so important. How it’s really the little things that matter the most.
A hero is not someone that wears a cape, not someone that hides within story books. A hero is someone that is true to their word, someone that stands strong for the one they love, one that brings happiness to others. To my dad - to the man that will always be my hero. I love you and no words could ever truly express the impact you have had throughout my life. The lessons you have taught me I wish I could share with the world. I wish I could give others the strength you have given me, I wish I could give others the happiness and sense of humor you have shown me. I wish I could give them some of the love that I received from you, so they could see how amazing of a man you are. If I could, I’d spend my whole life trying to show you how much you mean to me, and how proud I am to say you are my father.