The beginning of your story may not have been meant to be, but all these years later I think you've got the perfect one to share with the world. At 17 and 19 years old, you got married and became parents all at once. You both decided to drop out of school to raise your family. You took chances I couldn't even take now at 20, never mind three years ago. You have always loved each other and your family more than words. What more can be said about the perfect love story?
A lot of my best memories have you two in them. From having all of my birthday pool parties at your house when I was little, to going to the races every year for 18 years, and even the little things like family dinner every Monday night. Our family has always been extremely close, and that has a lot to do with you and how you raised your kids.
I know I'm biased, but I'd say you have the three best (adult) children I've ever known. My mom and my aunts are the most kind, caring, helpful and inspiring women. I could go on and on about them, but you know it all already. How you raised them directly correlates with how your five grandchildren were raised. We were raised to be understanding, driven, and thoughtful women among many other things. We can all be classy and elegant but we can also help build a porch or fix a car without any hesitation. We were taught that hard work is important but also that time with your family is the most important thing of all
I don't know many other families who do as much as we do all together. Let's face it, most of the time we look like we showed up somewhere in a clown car because there's so many of us. We know, however, that these trips and adventures wouldn't be the same without us all enjoying them together. We laugh with and at each other, we fight with each other, but in the end we love each other. Even after all these years and all of the crazy schedules we have, we manage to make it work because we enjoy the time together so much.
Throughout the years as we have all grown up, there have been many milestones and accomplishments between all of us, and you have been there for every single one. Graduations, proms or dances, awards at school, and even the first day of school- every year. You never miss anything, and that means the world to all of us. We love to see you two filled with so much pride and joy for this crazy family of your's. I hope you know that we would be nowhere without your love and support through it all.
I'm willing to bet that not many people would have thought this is where you would be almost 47 years later. Three daughters, five granddaughters, four grand puppies and a whole lot of love surrounding you. I'm glad to say that because of the love you two have for each other, it's only gotten better as the years continue to go by. I love watching you two goof off with each other and tell each other "I love you." In a world of so many failed love stories, it gives me hope that true love still exists.
Your story started with the two of you, and now, 10 additional family members later, we've got quite a full, and loud, house. I know that none of us would have it any other way. Here's to you, Mimi and Papa. For all you do for us all but most of all how you've taught us about what true love can do for two young people and the people they love the most.