To my grandparents,
I wouldn't be the person I am if you two were not in my life. You've provided me with endless support, laughs, advice, and a full belly. You have shaped me into the person I am today and for that, I am beyond thankful.
Thank you for being like my second parents.
Thank you for being the best listening ears.
Thank you for reminding me how valuable family really is.
Thank you for believing in me when even I don't.
Thank you for your honest advice and telling me what I need to hear, rather than what I want to hear.
Thank you for always telling me I look beautiful even when I feel like I don't.
Thank you for showing me what real love looks like.
Thank you for cooking me countless meals and cleaning up after me.
Thank you for reassuring me that I deserve nothing less than the best.
Thank you for thinking I'm smart, despite if I've failed a test. (or multiple)
Thank you for laughing at my jokes, when we both know that they're not that funny.
Thank you for being proud of my accomplishments.
Thank you for accepting all my flaws and loving me for the person I am.
Words can't describe how much you both mean to me. You've been such a positive influence in my life and have made me the person I am and will continue to be. I hope one day that I can be half the person you both are. Thank you for not only showing me, but our entire family endless support, warmth and love.
Your granddaughter