Dear Teaghen, who is now 22-years-old,
I hope you're actually graduating.
I know you had it rough your freshman year and starting your senior year. I know things were falling out of place constantly and you were holding on to every little good thing that happened as your life depended on it (and maybe it did). For a bit of a refresher or update, I just moved into my first apartment yesterday. In six days, I'll officially start my sophomore year at the University of Kentucky. It isn't going to be easy, but I have at least a little hope.
I hope you feel relieved and at least a little excited about graduating.
If you're still a psychology major (you had better be), I hope you got into the graduate program of your dreams! I hope there's some sort of plan in place that is helping you get on track to start your career. I am genuinely curious to know what your GPA is because I know it fluctuates (no shade, though). I know that right now, I love learning. I hope you haven't lost that passion.
I hope that you have continued to be concerned about the knowledge you absorb and I pray with all my might you actually learned how to study. If you could send that knowledge back in time to right now, I would greatly appreciate it. We're struggling.
How is your social life? Is it still relatively non-existent? I really do hope I make more friends along the way.
I love my friends now, but I want even more. I want to diversify my circle and really know people from all walks of life. I really, really, really hope you aren't a party animal. We don't have time for that now, and I doubt we'll have the time for it once classes get harder. Besides, eating popcorn and watching movies with Abbie and Bekah is party enough for you. I really hope you're still friends with them. Maybe we all live together as we planned? I also hope that you're still in touch with and hang out with all your friends from home, too. You've actually known and loved them for forever. It would be really upsetting if you weren't friends anymore.
I'm sure you're fine with our family. They've always supported you and wanted nothing but the best for you.
Do your best to also support them and let them help you, even if you have to swallow your pride to do it. I know they really grind your gears sometimes, but keep reminding yourself how much you love them and how much they love you. They really are cheering you on. I know the plan right now is to get out of the country as fast as possible, but let them spend time with you until you move. Before you become a world traveler and drop everything, think about how much they'll miss you, and spend a lot of time with them before you do. They'll appreciate it.
I think I'll shoot some rapid-fire questions at you, so I hope you're prepared.
So, what is the most difficult class you've taken? The most enjoyable? Have you gotten an internship yet? Do you have any jobs lined up? Do you still work at the student center? Is your GPA above a 3.0? Do you live in an apartment still? Did you finally bring Davy Jones to Lexington? Are you dating anyone? Are you married? (I hope not.) How often do you go home? Does Daisy live with you for college? Is Gracie excited to be the only one living at home? Are you keeping your room clean so that you're in a better mood? Are you finally happy with your life? Has your relationship with God improved?
I pray that, if nothing else, you have peace in your life and are proud of how far you have come.
I hope that you grew a backbone and stopped procrastinating. It's for our own good, I promise. I'm excited to get to where you are, but I'm going to try to live in the moment and take things one day at a time. I won't be 19-years-old forever (actually, only for about a month and a half more). In my head, I keep thinking, "Surely I won't change much in three years." I'm curious to find out how wrong I am. I sort of have always thought of myself as stagnant, but I'm also really excited to see my improvements in life and to see how many challenges I'll overcome.
For both of us, I hope we live a long life where we can be a successful woman who follows God and overcomes obstacles for the better of us and for others.
With love,
Teaghen, who is currently 19-years-old