To My Future Self in 2017,
While a majority of 2016 was amazing and exciting, there were times when I was left confused, anxious, crying, and even lost. But hey! That’s ok, I made it through. In order to truly experience and appreciate the ups in life, you have to experience the downs. The downs don’t always have to be so bad, they can teach you how to be a better you, they help you grow. Therefore, I am writing to you to take all that I have learned and give you advice on how to be the best you in 2017.
2017 has to be a year of self- love. There cannot be anymore putting yourself down, it only holds you back. There may be days when you look in the mirror and hate what you see, but overcome those negative thoughts and remind yourself how beautiful you are. Stand there until you believe it to be true. Don’t only love yourself and take care of yourself physically, love your innermost being. Take care of yourself mentally, whatever it takes. Don’t stretch yourself too thin. Take those mental health days. If you run yourself until you hit empty, it will be harder to bounce back up again. Part of self- love is doing everything you can to rid yourself of negativity in your life. So if someone, or something, is causing you to constantly be upset, anxious, or anything less than your best self, cleanse yourself of them. There is no room in your life for negativity this year. Do what makes you happy, and do what is going to make you your best you.
It is ok to focus on yourself, it does not make you selfish. I learned this year that sometimes I push aside the things I need to deal with so I can focus on other people and their problems. While you should be around to help when you can, make sure you put yourself first. Don’t let things pile up until you break down. You need to be your own top priority.
2016 was a year of change. Change can be scary at times, but also good. Keep in mind that just because something changes, doesn’t mean it has to be a bad thing. These next few years will be full of learning and development, and that cannot happen if nothing changes. Be open to the changes that are going to take place in 2017.
Take one day at a time. I know things get overwhelming, and sometimes everything seems like way too much to handle. If you can’t take it a day at a time, take it an hour at a time. If you can’t take it an hour at a time, take it a moment at a time. Do whatever you need to do to get through those hard days. And remember, tomorrow is always a better day.
Don’t be too hard on yourself. I know often I set expectations for myself too high and come down too hard on myself when I don’t quite reach them. Instead of negatively criticizing yourself, reflect on what you did, recognize your hard work, and constructively figure out what you could have done better.
Most importantly, don’t rush through this year. I spent most of 2016 looking forward to the next big event or big exciting change, and it went by way too quickly. I wish I could go back and relive it because it was one of the best years of my life. However, I have no doubt that it can be topped, and with these pointers, I trust that you can manage to make 2017 even better.
Here's to a very happy, successful, amazing new year!
The Me in 2016