Dear Future Partner,
You may know me right now, you might not, but one thing is for certain: for some reason, God wanted us to spend our lives together. I don't know why or how. All I know is that it's His plan.
That's actually the first thing you should know about me. I am a Christian. I go to church at least once a week when possible and even serve in the nursery/preschool area. It is totally fine if you don't want to come to church with me. I want you to be a Christian, but if God wants me to lead you to Him, then so be it. I also want kids (right now, at least). Adopted or biological, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that I want to give a child a loving home and them never having to worry about whether or not someone cares for them. I also want pets. At least a cat and dog. Get ready for adventures.
Enough about me. Let's talk about us.
There are going to be fights and disagreements. No one said marriage was easy, but we HAVE to communicate. Like, for real. We have to be able to tell each other things, even if we're worried the other one won't like it. Also, I will need you to be patient with me as I figure out this thing called life. It's hard. It might be hard for you as well, and I will be there. I also need you to understand that I have bad days. I mean a LOT of them. I still love you, even if I can't show it.
Speaking of love, my primary love language is acts of service and my secondary is words of affirmation. Even small things such as taking out the trash, tidying things up, or just saying you believe in me when I least expect it will mean the WORLD to me. However, my least compatible love language is physical touch. Sure, kisses here and there are great and are almost like words of affirmation in my opinion, but I believe there is such a thing as OVERLY affectionate. I love you, but we don't need to be all up on each other all the time. I can't wait to know your love language so that we can be the best partners we can.
There might be a point in our marriage where we'll wonder if it's even worth it anymore. If (and I pray it doesn't) that happens, we have GOT to push through. We have to work TOGETHER. Coming from parents who made a long distance (and I mean like Hawaii and Alabama long distance) marriage work, I KNOW that we'll be able to face whatever life throws at us. We're in this together. We're a team. I want us to give 100% when possible. I know it will be hard. There might be days where it's 80/20, but I know that with your support, I will be the best partner I possibly can.
Your Future Partner