Dear future husband,
Studies show that I've probably already met you. I frequently find myself wondering who you are. Are you the guy who cheated off me in chemistry? or the nice server I had at dinner that one night? Someone I've been friends with for years? I have no idea who you are, but I cannot wait to find out.
Honey, I can't wait to begin a relationship with you and watch it blossom into the most intense love I've ever felt. I can't wait to have the wedding of our dreams, and I can't wait to wake up every day with butterflies just looking at your handsome face.
Man of my dreams, I thank you. I thank you for standing by me through everything, good and bad. Through panic attacks and through wine drunk giggles. I thank you for being an amazing father to our future children, and I can't wait to watch you hold our child in the air Lion King style, and then totally lose it when he pukes on your face. (sorry but you kind of asked for it.)
Love of my life, I apologize in advance for the cracks someone else caused in me, and you inherited by default. However, I know in my heart you'll mend those cracks with pleasure. It's not your job to do that, and you didn't ask for it, but I know you'll be happy to do it anyway.
Baby, I want you to know I talk to God about you. I pray for you, and for our future family every day. I know you do the same. I want to tell you that even though I'm not sure of your name yet, I know that God has made us soulmates for a reason and that I know with you, life will make perfect sense.
Husband, I'm so excited to spend every day of my life with you. I'm so madly in love with you already.
With all my love,
Your future wife.