To my future daughter,
I'm not sure how long it will be before God places you in my arms, but I know He already knows you by name and has a plan for your life. Just know that I think of you often. I wonder what your eyes will look like and what color hair you will have. I wonder how big your smile will be and how sassy your attitude will be. But most importantly my precious future daughter, I am praying for you. So while God knows who you are and the day you'll be placed into my arms, I'll be here praying for you. As your future mother, it is my job to cover you in the only protection that can ever truly shield you from this world. Prayer. And this my beautiful girl is what I promise you:
I promise to pray for you everyday of your life and the days long before your home becomes with me. I want you to know that you have a boldness and confidence about you already because you are a Daughter of a King. This life will be very difficult but I promise to fight for you the very best I can with the very best battle plan possible. Prayer. See, there will be days your little mind will question why bad things happen to good people and I'll do my very best to comfort your tender heart and speak truth that can bring peace that surpasses all understanding.
I promise to be your biggest fan, life cheerleader, and molder as you grow into a teenager with raging hormones and a sassy attitude. I'll remember what 17 was like and how I thought I knew everything there was to know. I promise to always hear your side of a discussion and show you that your young lady intelligence is respected, important, and honored.
I promise to crawl in bed with you and hold you close when you experience your first heartbreak, because don't forget, momma knows what that feels like. I'll be honest with you and tell you the terrible choices I made in my late teens and early 20s. We'll eat a big bowl of Rocky Road ice cream and I'll tell you you're much too special to cry over some boy who's willing to hurt you. It'll be then I teach you the importance of praying for your future helpmate at an early age so God will keep you until He brings the man He's created you for. But know my sweet girl I've been praying for your future spouse since the day I first rocked you in the nursery.
I promise to love your father with all of my heart and show you how a woman is to love and honor her husband. I will most likely be the embarrassing mom that kisses your dad all the time and constantly tells him how much I love him. You will know true love, my daughter, and I promise to be the best example I can be to raise you in a Christian home. You'll learn to love God more than me, your dad, or your siblings. He will always be everything your father and I can never be. We will love you the best we can, but we are human and we will make mistakes. Your Heavenly Father will teach you love, trust, patience, and kindness unlike anything your dad and I ever can.
So as I make these promises to you, I leave you the greatest of all: I promise I love you now even though you're far into my future. I'm praying for you, my beautiful child. One day we'll meet face to face and I promise it'll be so much more than anything I could ever imagine.
Love always,
Your future mother