Hi Darling,
It scares me to know that one day God might bless me with a tiny soul to care for and love. It scares me even more to bring you into a world full of hatred and judgement. But my joy and excitement for your arrival far outweighs the fear. I hope to instill in you that you are capable of anything you set your mind to. I want you to know that you are stronger than any silly middle school breakup or horrible tragedy you may face in life. I want you to live in a nation where God's love is expressed by everyone around you. I want you to walk in faith and never forget where you come from and who led you there. I also want you to have the time of your life. Fitting in and being invisible in a crowd isn't what you were made for. Don't ever doubt yourself or your worth, no matter the mean gossip and drama you will encounter. Be confident and be you because life is too short to stand back and watch. Jump in the crowd, dance and sing like crazy and play the game even though you might lose.
My greatest goal in life is to be as great of a mom to you as mine was to me. My heart longs for us to have as close of a relationship as me and my mom do. I want you to know that I will always be your biggest fan, biggest critic and best friend for as long as you live. You should know that I always have your best interest at heart and only want what is truly best for you. As you enter your teenage years, we will butt heads and you will start to see me as your worst enemy. I'm going to make many mistakes as a mother, and you'll make mistakes, too. But I promise that as you grow even older, our relationship will become unbreakable, and you will appreciate me and my lessons.
I'm only in college now, so I hope we don't meet for many, many more years. But I want you to know that I'm excited about you, and I've been planning for you! Your name, your nursery, your first Halloween costume. I really hope that the man you call Daddy has long eyelashes because you won't be getting them from me. Speaking of your dad, I hope that he is the man that I've always dreamed of and that he never hesitates to treat you like a princess.
I want you to know that I'll never expect anything less from you than your full potential. Anything worth doing is worth doing well, but you can't be the best at everything. If you're trying your best and you fail, you've done all you can do. Do not beat yourself up over things out of your control. In times of trial, I hope that you turn first to God and then to your family because we will always be here to help.
One day, you will look back, as I have, and realize that all the "hell" I put you through, all the punishment, all the pushing I did was to help you be the woman you were made to be. I can only pray to be as great of a mother as you deserve.
With so much potential love,
Your Future Mom