Dear my furry little friend,
It’s crazy to think this time last year I was bringing you home. When I tell people about your previous home they always tell me how great I am for rescuing you. But the funny thing is, I didn’t rescue you. You rescued me. You have made me a better version of myself. You bring out the best in me. You have taught me the responsibility of taking care of something other than myself. You have taught me how to forgive and forget. You make me so happy every single day. I could not imagine my life today without you in it. You can always tell when I need a cuddle or kisses. You always know how to make me smile. I love when you want to be pet and you nuzzle me hard to get my attention. I love all the high fives you give me. Even though you chewed up my favorite pair of shoes, I still love you more than you will ever know. When you look at me with those puppy eyes I cannot be mad at you.
It’s hard to believe that when I got you your previous parents were so mean to you. I do not understand how anyone can find joy in causing fear and pain to something so sweet and loving. I will never understand how anyone can be so mean to any animal. I hate that they were that way to you, because they are the reason you find it hard to trust people and show them how great you are. They have taken that joy from you, but I know that over time it will come back.
I am so thankful that when we take naps you are always my feet warmer. When I get stressed out I know I can always come home and you will be my biggest fan and do everything to make me happy and smile. You know you are a dog mom when your baby gets sick you will do anything and pay anything to make sure they get better. You also know you are a dog mom when you cannot go into a pet store without leaving with treats and toys. The stores just make it so hard to pass up collars with bow-ties, or life jackets shark fins. There are too many things that are “the cutest thing.” Yes, I know I spoil my dog, but I would not have or want it any other way.
When I look back I despise your previous parents, but I would not want it any other way because without that situation I would not have you in my life. I know that you have had a hard life before I found you, but I hope that by finding you I have made your life everything that you deserve it to be. I could not imagine my life today without you being in it. My life has truly changed for the better due to you being a huge influence in it.
Your mom