When we met, I would have absolutely 100 percent never thought we would be friends. We just looked like different people, seemed to have different interests and all around — I didn't actually really like you as a person.
But something changed. I'm not really sure what, but something. It happened kind of suddenly, too. We didn't have some awkward friendship that slowly bloomed into something amazing. It was pretty much just one day I thought, "Wait, he's awesome. I want to be his best friend" and boom — friendship.
So, all of a sudden you were the person I was calling at 3 a.m. because of some dumb boy, even though you had no idea that this boy existed. You were the person crashing on my couch on a Friday night, even though you had never been to my apartment before. You were the person holding my hair when I puked even though you had never seen me without makeup on. You were the person whom I called my best friend even though we knew nothing about each other.
That was OK. Actually, that was great. We didn't have to go through those awkward "are we good enough friends for this" moments. We didn't have to ask about the past. We just looked at the future. We didn't have to force lunch dates and nights out. They just happened.
And at the time, I didn't even notice. At the time, it was natural and great because all of a sudden I had a new best friend, and I couldn't remember a time without him. It wasn't normal. I know that, and honestly, I don't know if it could happen with anyone else. There was something about you and our friendship that was meant to be. Yeah, it makes no sense, but neither do we. Our not-normal friendship is probably linked to our not-normal selves, and I wouldn't want it any other way.