Nowadays, our time together is scarce and few and far in between.
Two years ago, I couldn’t imagine a time when I wouldn’t be able to see you everyday. I couldn’t imagine not spending my weekends with you. I couldn’t fathom not knowing everything about your life.
I am sitting here writing this in my living room during my spring break, all of you are back at school and home just isn’t the same. I can't help but think, how much things have changed and how they couldn’t have possibly stayed the same. I can't help but wonder, how do you maintain the friendships that maintained you? How do you grow, without growing apart? And what do you do if you do? What do you make of the friendships that have drifted so far apart? Was it anyones fault? Do you fight for those friendships? Or simply let them slip away and keep the memories?
Over the past three months, I got to spend four hours with my two childhood best friends, I got to watch my favorite person play softball for four hours in 45 degrees, I got to Facetime with my red haired friend, and I got to hangout with my high school friends for a few hours. And I'm so grateful for that time. I'm so grateful for those few hours our lives overlapped again, like they used to everyday. It was just like old times.
I hate to admit it, but I think we took each other’s company for granted growing up.
But those times when we are together, those few hours every few months we manage to carve out for each other, those times mean everything.
Now, we all lead separate lives. We are all off finding our niche, discovering where we belong. It's hard to imagine that maybe we don't belong with each other.It's hard to imagine that our plans no longer revolve around one another. And it's even harder to imagine a time when our lives are no longer intertwined by home, when we all have found new homes.
As I watch your life unfold through pictures I can’t help but be a little jealous that I am not a part of it all. But I can’t help but be so happy for you, to see you thrive. And become the person you were always meant to be.
To my friends that I don't see very often, I miss you everyday. But I am glad I don't see you every day anymore, I am glad we are all finding our own places in the world. I am glad we are growing and changing, even though sometimes it hurts. Most of all, I am glad I have people like you to fall back on.
I don’t know what you will see when you look forward, but know when you look back, you will always see me.
No matter where you are in the world, no matter where your passions lead you, I hope I’m always apart of it. But even if I’m not, I’ll love you just the same. More importantly than that, I hope you look back and smile when you think of all the joy we gave one another. I know I will.
To have people like you in my life is the greatest gift I could ever ask for. As cliche as that sounds, I need you to know that. These days, our time together is few and far between. But I guess that;s not the point, the point is that we get those few hours every few months. That's what makes it special.
Everything is different now. Everything is changing. I once read that you meet a lot of temporary people between 18 and 22. I've come to find that extremely true. Most things are temporary, especially nowadays. It's nice to know that you won't be one of those temporary things.
Everything is different now, and I'm still learning to be okay with that.I guess the hope is that we will grow, without growing to far apart.
To the friends I don’t see very often, I am so proud of the person you are becoming. And I cannot wait to see what the future holds in store for you.
"Whatever someone you become, and wherever you are in the world, I'm sending you love. You're my friend to the end."
Love the friend you don’t see very often