For as long as I can remember, I was told to make friends. In school, at work; any place that you can, make a friend. Find the people in this world that make the burden of living just a little easier. Unfortunately, not every friend you pick is going to be a good one. But that's okay, because it's a valuable life lesson to learn and something we all go through. It's part of the human experience.
I haven't had the best luck with people and I always used to think it was my fault or something I was doing wrong. The reality of it was that I was trying to force myself to be friends with people that I didn't have anything in common with. I didn't take the time to choose my friends, I was just trying to fill the void with as many people as I possibly could.
All that struggle was worth it though because these days, I've got the best people this world has to offer. I'm surrounded by intelligent, caring, warm, colorful creatures and I fall more in love with them every day. As a young adult who's struggled with depression since my childhood, it's always scary to let people in. If I let them in, they might leave or they might think I'm crazy or they may not understand the battles I go through just to get out of bed every morning. But when you close yourself off and don't let people in, you pass up the opportunity to create meaningful and lasting relationships. With people that will love you for who you are, no matter what. Being vulnerable is terrifying, but trying to live this life without friends is a nightmare I wouldn't wish on my darkest enemy.
My friends have taught me how to love myself, to be open to change, and how to let go of what I can't control. Simply put, they save me from losing my marbles on a daily basis. Life isn't easy and it's definitely not all rainbows and unicorns, but even the darkest days are a little lighter when you've got friends to turn to.
So to my wonderful friends: thank you. Thank you for being there when the water gets too high and I can't keep myself afloat. Thank you for being there when the world gets to be too much and I need a break. Thank you for being my lighthouse and guiding me home when I get a little lost. Thank you for never giving up on me and proving that there are still good people left in this world. I would be nothing without you. And being your friend is the best thing I've done with my life. You have all saved my life in ways you can't imagine and for that, I'm forever grateful. And there will never be enough words to thank you for the happiness you've given me, but I hope this a start.
I've got the best friends in the world, and that's not just me being biased. So cheers to you guys and all that you do, I'd be lost without you. And crazy, but who's not these days.