I struggle to stay awake, so these are some of the things I do to make it through.
1. Scroll through social media
I will rotate between Facebook, twitter, and Instagram and just see what everyone is up to.
2. Talk to your friends
This one really depends on the class, sometimes you can't do this out loud but you can text them in your group chat.
3. Play games on the computer
You know all those games you can google and play for free that are sometimes interesting.
4. Eat food
When I am really bored and not paying attention I eat snacks.
5. Write in your planner
I try to stay as organized as possible, therefore I have a very color coded planner that I update constantly.
6. Do homework
This is one I am guilty for the most, I like to get things done so during those classes I don't pay attention in I use the time to be productive.
7. Make plans for the day
Sometimes I sit there and text my friends to see who wants to hang out or try to find something interesting to do.
8. Online shopping
I love shopping for clothes and makeup during class. Those are the best purchases.
9. Fidget
I have to constantly be moving so if I am bored and we aren't doing anything then I usually will fidget with my hair or something.
10. Sleep
I can always use a nap.
These classes are always tedious to attend, but at least you will be there for those in class points.