Anyone that knows me knows that I'm not a big crowd person: I'm much more comfortable around a few close friends than a large group of acquaintances.
Because of this, I've learned the importance of forming friendships in which I am able to be myself and share both the good and bad aspects of my life. With that being said, high school relationships are notorious for being short-lived, and I have had my fair share of fleeting friendships.
To anyone that I have fallen out of touch with, I miss you, and I am so thankful for the time we had together and the memories that we made. I wish you the best of luck in everything you do in the future and I hope life blows us back together one day.
I've been lucky enough to have a few close friends that have stuck by me through it all, so I feel like they deserve a more personalized thank you.
G, thank you for everything (and I mean everything). Thank you for being my honorary sister, my sometimes adventure partner when I can actually convince you to come with me, and above all, my best friend. Thank you for putting up with me for the last 15 years, for always picking me up when I'm down, and for always letting me be me. You have no idea how much I've loved our SIFAT summers, movie nights, and all of our antics that I probably shouldn't get into lol. I love you forever.
A, my go-to girl, thank you!! I will always cherish our countless sleepovers, our many shopping trips, and the one time we went practically every summer seeing each other every day. Thank you for always laughing at my jokes (even when they aren't funny), always knowing how to cheer me up, and being my bestie gal. We might not have been friends for that long, but I think its safe to say that we'll be friends for long into the future. I love you!
M, I don't even know where to start. Thank you for treating me like every girl deserves to be treated, for never failing to make me laugh until my eyes water, and for always being there for me. I never expected to meet someone like you, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you for our countless adventures that always end somewhere we never planned to be. I love you to the stars.
To all of my other friends that aren't explicitly mentioned, thank you, I love you, and I would not be the person I am today if it weren't for you guys. I am truly blessed to have met all of you and to be able to call you my friends. I could easily write a paragraph about each one of you, but I don't think anyone would want to read all of that. Anyways, I am one lucky girl.