Dear friend who wasn't really a friend,
In all honesty, all you cared about was yourself throughout our “friendship”. All the meanwhile I was too naive and blindsided trying to find the good in what made the best of friends, but after a while I saw right through you and was ashamed of myself for letting myself think you cared, when in reality you did not.
You would expect me at all your occasions (birthdays, slumber parties, other big milestones as well), but you never bothered showing up at mine, no one outside of family ever bothered showing up, and it saddened me that you and others did not really care about my achievements or my accomplishments.
The only time we ever talked was when I would call or message you first, you never really bothered to check up on me or my kids that so many claim to care about and love, but yet you never did those things.
The only time you would hit me up when it was about your problems, and only yours. When I tried to talk with you about mine, you still constantly directed everything back to you. I tried so hard to keep our friendship, but I could not keep up. I just did not want to be your friend anymore, it was not worth it, being constantly ignored until I was convenient for you.
You were never a true friend, and it saddens me very much, but there is no going back now. You burned that bridge. You were dramatic at times where you did not need to be, and got upset over things problems you had created, and made it seem like you had done nothing.
We did not just “grow apart” like many do, our friendship was destroyed because I was on a one-way street with you. Friendship, and every relationship for that matter, is a two-way street. If you did not try, then why should I, right? It was not fair to me.
Do you know how it feels to be treated like that for so many years? You went nearly a year not talking to me until times got rough for you, I was your shoulder to cry on, but not visa versa. When I had problems I confided to a friend who is my shoulder to cry on when I am in need of talking to someone. She is there for me, where you failed to be. I even ask her about her day, how she is, and her life! I do not make it all about me.
In all honesty, I am glad we are no longer friends, because I know longer feel like an outcast or alone. I am surrounded by so many people who care for me, and I am happy.