Dear friend,
I'll be honest, when I met you I did not think we would be as close as we are now. I thought we were very different people, but over time, I realized how similar we actually are. At first, you were just the girl down the hall, a mere acquaintance. At that point, I figured you were just another fake girl, but now I consider you one of my best friends. Over time, we opened up to each other (and only later did I find out that you had already known who I was months before school started). I admire you so much and cherish our friendship because I have never had a friend who is always positive and real like you are. With you, there are no dark skies, and it is always a fun night no matter what. You have always been there for me, and I can not thank you enough because college would not be the same without you.
You are hands down one of the most positive people I have ever met, and considering the world today, it can be hard to stay positive. I don't think I have ever seen you mad, although your face is often red! You are constantly optimistic, which is why I love to vent to you because you can always make me feel better about the situation. Coming to your room and venting this year to each other has helped us learn so much about each other (even if we end up talking about our dream engagement rings). I feel like we can just talk about anything and it's not weird, and I love that about our friendship.
Being positive all the time is a trait I wish I had, but I am glad to at least have you to fall back on when I can't be positive. You point people in the direction of happiness and positivity, and I know you will do that for your future students. You always try to put your best foot forward and are concerned for others well being, and there is no better person than that to shape the coming generations. I hope my children have you as their teacher one day, (hopefully then they will be better at math than I am).
I want you to know I will always be there for you. Everyone has their ups and downs, but even when you have your downs you still keep that smile on your face. I'll always be there to help you through the tough times, and I'll also be there for the good days too. You may already know this, but you should never stop smiling. And if you ever lose that smile, I'll be there to help you get it back, no matter the hour.
I love how real you are. Some people are only faking their kindness until you walk out of the room, but you are genuine. You are one of the realest positive people I have met on this entire campus. You aren't one of those fake nice people, you actually care. You always mean well. Whether I need a shoulder to cry on, a fun night out, or someone to watch the bachelor with, you have been there for me. You are the definition of a true friend, and I am so happy I met you seven short months ago. I can not wait for our summer adventures filled with country music and laughter, and our future years in college. I hope our friendship lasts a lifetime. I love you bunches.