To My Friend, My Childhood Stuffed Animal | The Odyssey Online
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To My Friend, My Childhood Stuffed Animal

Thank you for making my childhood awesome.

To My Friend, My Childhood Stuffed Animal

We all have had back in those simple times of childhood a stuffed animal who we saw as our best friend maybe even our first friend. The one friend who always was by our side who we went on many adventures with, real or imaginary. So this is a poem I wrote dedicated to my old childhood stuffed animal. That even though I am older and an adult now, I haven't forgotten how much fun you were.

He’s a brown monkey

He may be just a stuffed animal to most

But for me, he has been much more

Ever since seven years old

Thirteen years later, he is still close by

Sitting on my college dorm bed

Every time I returned, he is there to greet me

With those same black button eyes and sewed on smile

Cheerios has seen it all through those eyes

At my messiest when I am late for class

Rushing through the door

When I’m tired and the day has ended

Climb into bed and hold him tight

His fluffy body feels so soft, warm

As I drift off to sleep happily

At the saddest, when I cry over a boy

Without movement, without a word

Just being around

Is enough to make everything right again

Even though he is getting older

Has holes in his body

And tears in his arms

His eyes are now dull

And his fur has become shaggy

He is still the pal I have always loved

Even when I have a family of my own

He will be there with me as always

A special pal for my future kids

Even though he is just a stuff animal

And maybe just an old raggy monkey to most

To me he is more than that

He is a friend, he is family

When my day has been bad

Ranting to him has been the routine

He can’t hear me with those cloth ears

But having someone who just listens is like having my own personal therapist

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