So much has changed since I began my college career. I have learned so much about myself and have gained so much responsibility and knowledge about life. It's crazy to think that this time a year ago, my only worries were about prom and what shoes to wear to graduation. Now I look back on how much I have grown up through my freshman year of college and I am happy about all of the things I have experienced.
Coming into college, I had no idea who I would meet or what I would experience. I have now met people from all over the country and have made friends with people that I can't imagine going through the next three years without. I have made friends that will last a lifetime and I am so thankful for that.
I have discovered so much about myself since I stepped foot on campus at the beginning of the year. I have lived on my own and have had to do "adult things" that I never had to do before. I now know more about myself than I ever did before. I know my strengths and weaknesses and I know what I want to accomplish in my life.
Even though living in a dorm drove me crazy most of the time, I am thankful that I got the experience. I met so many people and formed so many friendships because of it. Goodbye to the late night talks with friends and roommates, the floor meetings and common rooms. In a way, I'll really miss it.
Goodbye to complaining about the food on campus. I'll probably miss you next year when I have to cook my own food and can't just swipe my student I.D for a meal. Goodbye to complaining about not having a car on campus, I'll probably miss not spending money on gas next year.
Thank you for reminding me that I have to work hard to achieve my goals. Nothing comes easy in the real world and this year taught me that I won't ace every exam. My grades don't always define me and you can be successful without a 4.0. Figuring this out wasn't easy at first, but I have grown so much because of it.
Thank you for all the memories. I will never forget how I felt on move-in day and how much fun it was at my first college football game as a student, surrounded by all the people that love my university as much as I do.
I will never forget my first night out with my new friends, the first time I had to pull an all nighter for an exam or the stress I felt during my first finals week. I have experienced good times and bad. I have been so happy to be at school and I have been so homesick that it hurt. I experienced every possible emotion throughout this year and I owe it all to you.
Thank you for opening my mind to so many new things. I have been exposed to so many new ideas and types of people. I have learned to take everything in, appreciate other people's opinions and respect anyone I might meet. The world is full of so many unique people and ideas and you have shown me that.
At the end of the day, I really will miss being a freshman. I will miss the excitement of being around new things. I will miss experiencing things on campus for the first time. I am so thankful for how much I grew as a person over the course of this year. I didn't think it was possible to learn so much and take in so much wisdom at once.
Time really does fly by when you're having fun and you showed me that too. So, freshman year, thank you for the fun, the memories and all of the life lessons. I am now an adult with life experience and knowledge that will help me for the rest of my life. I will learn more and more throughout the course of my college career, but you were the start of it all.
It's bittersweet that you are coming to an end, but I can only look forward to my future at the school I have fallen in love with.
Goodbye to my freshman year, you really will be missed.
With love and thanks,
The soon to be sophomore