Well, we've almost made it. There are only two short months left until we aren't the babies on campus anymore. We've made our groups of friends, found our place, and we're already planning rooming situations for next year. There are a few things I just want to tell you before ending our freshman year of college.
Thank You
Thank you for all of the countless nights we spent talking when we probably should've been doing our homework. Thank you for accepting every single part of me, even the weird things I do, like sleep on top of my covers with a blanket instead of underneath them because I'm honestly just that lazy. Thank you for being there through every single up and down over the past two semesters. Thank you for being interested in my crazy life, from asking about my friends back home to genuinely caring about me. I never expected to come to college and make any other friends as great as mine from home. I walked into our room on move-in day, scared out of my mind of what you would think of me. But when you walked through the door you brought nothing but sunshine into the room. We quickly found a friend in each other. Sharing popcorn, listening to music and watching movies became a regular occurrence. I felt as though we've known each other forever. Most importantly, thank you for giving me a friend at our home away from home. Every time I look through the doorway of our room, I can see the memories replaying in my head. It's like a movie of your own life watching through the lens of an outsider. You've taught me so much in such a short amount of time. You've taught how to make the most out of every day. You've taught me that life is way too short to take for granted. You've given me the gift of perspective, and most importantly, the gift of a friend.
As freshman year comes to a close, and we start to plan for summer and study for finals, I just want you to know that you'll always have a friend in me. No matter where our college careers take us or what path we go down, you'll always have a friend. I never knew, walking onto campus on that very first day, that I'd ever have an amazing friend like I do now. I am so thankful to have had a roommate like you to start out my college career. I can't wait to see what the rest of college will hold for us. Thank you for all the adventures, all the memories and for being my family when I couldn't see mine. I not only gained a friend, I gained a sister. For the first time, I had to share a room with my "sister", and I wouldn't want anyone else to fill that position other than you. You have given me so much. You'll always hold a special place in my heart.
- Your Freshman Roomie