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To My Father On His Birthday

Thank you for giving me everything in life.

To My Father On His Birthday
Olivia Witt

It's difficult to describe the feeling of constantly being supported unless you have experienced it yourself. It's this strange, yet comforting feeling of knowing you can never truly fail. In the eyes of your supporter, it is not a failure you have made, but solely an opportunity for improvement. You can always come to that person, complain about life, rejoice about your successes, or simply sit contentedly in silence.

Since the moment I was born, I had an instant support system stemming from you--one that has not wavered even in the most tense of times, AKA teenage angst years. Despite the fights and stages of angry silence, you have never left my side and for that, I am eternally thankful. From always taking my picture on every first day of school to breaking awkward silence by making the most basic dad joke, you're always there to the make the moment that much better.

When I am sick, you always try to help, even in the most unhelpful of ways, "just get better." Your advice, although ineffective, would prove to make me laugh after the 30th time you made the joke. When I am sad, you sit there with me, not making me talk or explain myself but simply listen to my words or even my silence. Once I can catch my breath again, you let me explain, giving me actual advice to solve my problems. When I am happy, you always manage to make the celebration more exciting. Beaming with pride, you make me feel like I have won the Nobel prize, even if I just aced a test. When I am worried I failed, you manage to give me faith by showing me how I always think less of myself when in actuality, I usually succeed. When I get word that I did underestimate myself, you always reply with, "What did I say? I knew you could do it". You never doubt me even when I doubt myself. Regardless of what has happened to me, be it good or bad, you're always a consistent figure in my life, cheering me on.

Today should be all about you. Working all day and all night to allow me the ability to do anything in life was a selfless commitment that you made to me. You have emotionally and financially supported me to no end and without hesitation. How can I ever repay you for that? I couldn't figure out what to give you this year for your birthday so I thought I would dedicate my writing to you. I want to thank you for always being my rock and supporting me constantly so that I can be the best version of myself that I can possibly be. For every piece that I create, know that I do it for you and because of you. I would not be where I am today if it weren't for the endless stream of support you have given me over the years.

So this is for you Dad, an "Ode to my father," because I want you to know how much I truly appreciate you.

Dedicated to the best father a person could have.

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