Dear Dad,
There’s not enough words in the dictionary or time in the world to explain the thanks and love I have for you.
From a little girl, I knew the bond we shared was strong and one of a kind. From the many lectures and life talks you gave me, to the endless amounts of support and love, you’ve always been there. You’ve always been guiding me and pushing me into the right direction but gave me enough space to form my own path in life. You made sure I was always doing my best and held my head up high. You taught me how to be independent, loving, and overall, a well respected person.
For the past 18 years, you’ve done everything in your power to provide me with a good and happy life. I can only hope to be half as great of parent as you. I hope to work just as hard while loving my future children unconditionally, something you’ve never failed to do. You've given me a childhood full of happiness and endless amounts of support in everything I've wanted to do (From the many different colleges I wanted to attend to future career plans). You've accepted me for who I am.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and will continue to do. One day I hope to give back. For now just know, I love you. Being a “daddy’s girl” was and always will be one of the best parts of my life. It’s a great feeling to know that no matter who walks in and out of my life, you will forever remain and continue to be my number one guy. You’ve blessed me with a life worth living, and I could only hope to make you a proud father as I continue to grow through life. Thank you Dad.
Love Always,
Your Daughter.