It's been three weeks. Just three weeks ago we packed the car and drove two hours to my new home. You helped me make my bed, hang up my clothes, and organize my desk. Everyone wanted to be a part of my big day. We all worked together to create the perfect Pinterest-inspired space for me to live in. My room was finally finished, but no one wanted to admit that it was done because that would mean it was time for us to go our separate ways. With tear-filled eyes and shaky hands, we hugged (holding on for an extra minute) and said goodbye (the words sticking on our tongues and lingering in the air). I'm sure you fought back tears as my door closed behind you, yet you were excited to see what I could accomplish while here.
I'm writing to tell you that I am surviving. I make my own food (or at least I add water to the fill line in the Cup of Noodles and microwave for three minutes). I do my own laundry. I wake up for class every day. I complete all of my assignments before they are due. I hang out with my new friends. I manage my time. I attend club meetings. I am basically an adult, right? I wouldn't go that far; however, I am much more independent and able to do everything for myself now.
I've made so many incredible friends here, even though it's been less than a month since I first stepped foot on campus. They've become my college family and we all take care of one another. From sleepovers and baking cookies to Starbucks dates and Walmart trips, these strangers have become so much more to me.
My classes are incredible. I've learned so much already and I love all of my professors. I've definitely found the major for me, as I find myself getting excited over the little things. A line from Mary Rowlandson's essay, "A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson" had me excited beyond words because the one line used consonance and it sounded beautiful. Minor grammatical details that most people would look past without noticing are the things that make my heart skip a beat (wow, that sounded super nerdy). I am so glad that I have found something I am passionate about and I'll be able to have a career allowing me to share my love of the English language with others.
While I miss all of you at home very much, I am more than happy here at school. You have done a wonderful job preparing me for this next step in my life and for that, I am grateful. Thank you for your endless love and constant support. I can't wait to see where my next adventure leads me!
Thank you for everything,
Your Loving College Student