Dear My Ex Guy Bestie:
Just 2 days after you decided our friendship was best to be put to an end, here I am writing my feelings , maybe you'll read it and understand, or maybe someone else will and relate to it.. It all started in December/January when one of my friends snapchatted me a picture of you, and from there on I was head over heels for you.. Coincidentally I found you on Facebook, then it linked you on Instagram; where you had your Snapchat posted. I eventually had you on every social media. Took you hours to get my age out of me, and due to age I put my feelings to the side and decide being friends was best. Our first time hanging out was going snagging, to eat ice cream, and watching Netflix in your bed. And after then, we started talking more and more, to eventually FaceTiming daily when you got off work or whenever I wanted to call. I remember lighting up when you called me, I talked so highly of you, and got defensive when others talked low of you and the age difference. However, little did I know I would look completely stupid in the end because you did exactly what everyone said. I still don't, and never will regret getting so close to you, I won't regret letting you in my life and knowing my personal business. You were honestly my bestfriend, and my role model. I seen things I hadn't seen in a boy, you always told me inspirational things, always sent me memes, snapchatted me with your cute smile, and always FaceTimed me to give me ted talks or simply ask me how my day was. Yes you did things that got to me, but due to us being friends I didn't go off, I kept my cool. You always talked to me about other girls and it made me happy you were happy and when something happened with the girl, I would get so angry at them, because you are a guy that every girl deserves in her life. Friend, boyfriend, & brother. You were always there for me when I was upset, when I needed something to do, when I was being a brat, or when I needed a ride to/from work. You would rub my back and I remember being so happy when you did. You would literally do anything to make me happy and I thank you for that. We talked about my 21st birthday plans (5 years ahead) and sadly we won’t experience it now.. You were my absolute world, I never thought I could ever get close to anyone like that nor if I could ever again... No I don't blame you, people fall off. Yes, I wish we could of talked about it, because it wasn't what you thought, but I'll never be able to tell you that. I will forever love you, P.
-x.o.x.o your favorite person☹️💙🕯