Dear soul sister,
You are ambitious. You are hard-working. You are unstoppable. And I will be there for you through it all.
As we grow older and take separate paths in life, I want you to know that I will still always be stuck to you like glue. You run after your dreams, your goals, your aspirations, and I will be behind you 100 percent of the time. As life happens and we chase what we want to do most, just know that our friendship is strong enough to withstand distance, setbacks, and obstacles. No matter what, I will be there.
I am so proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone and truly doing what you love. You have taken the reigns of your life, put all of your faith in God, and dove head first into a new chapter of life. Although we may not see each other 24/7 like we are used to, our bond will never grow weak. No one will ever understand me like you do. You will always be my best friend.
I am so excited to see you grow. I love seeing you challenged as you follow your dreams. I look forward to hearing about your new self-discoveries, friends, and ideas. As you have gone off in life to do what you love, I have seen so much growth and such an awesome spurt of self-confidence. And that makes me truly proud of you and what you are doing in life.
I will support you in every step of your journey. Any problem you ever have, I am still all ears. I want to hear about things you are excited about, challenged by, and looking forward to. I want to continue to be your rock as you take on life. You can always lean on me no matter what, now and in twenty years from now. Wherever life continues to guide you, I am always going to be by your side in one way or another.
Do not give up when times get hard. Continue to break out of your shell and take on what you love. The only thing I want to see more than you chasing your dreams is them coming true. You've got this. You are capable of it all, and I am here to see your life unfold into something wonderful.
Chase those dreams, girl.
Love always,
Your best friend.