Thank you. Those two little words carry so much meaning. but some how not enough. Our little chapter has such a big place in my heart and for that I can never thank you all enough.
When I came to you recruitment less than a year ago, I had no idea the impact it would have on me. I never planned on being in a sorority. I only knew what I saw in the movies, and they don't portray them very well.
A year ago I was a lost freshman walking around campus trying to find my purpose on this campus. I had some great times before my sorority, I did. But along with the good there were the bad. I needed a support system. I needed a family away from my family. I never in a thousand years thought that I would've found that in the greek life community. But I did.
Last semester, I was sitting in my dorm with literally nothing to do. I was so bored. I had already binge watched all my favorite tv shows on Netflix. One of my friends had been talking about how she was going to recruitment that night and asked me if I wanted to come. I instinctively responded "NO!" to which she said "why not? It'll be fun! You'll be able to meet so many people, and what else are you going to do tonight?" I was still very much on the fence about the whole thing, but I ultimately caved in and went.
I walked into the function hall, at first I was overwhelmed there were so many people, smiling faces. Through all of that, in the corner I saw the long table with the purple and gold table cloths and all of the sisters socializing with other girls who were interested. I was immediately drawn to that table. I walked over and instantly knew I found my home. I don't know what it was that made me so sure that I was where I was suppose to be, but when you know - you know.
After going through the recruitment events, I knew that those were the girls who I wanted to be my people. All day during bid day I was so nervous, waiting and waiting and waiting. Then I finally got that call. In that moment, my whole life changed.
In the 1 short semester that I've been in this organization I've created the friendships that I had been missing my whole life. I've made friendships with these wonderful women who will hopefully be the bridesmaids in my wedding, the godmothers to my children and my best friends for life. I'll forever be grateful for the experiences and opportunities this organization has already given me. I cannot wait to see what the next 2 1/2 years has in store for all of us.