To My Daddy-
Thank you for showing me what hard work is. For putting in more hours than any person should, both at work and at home. I am blessed that I always had everything I needed, and so much of what I wanted. That would not have been possible without you. You showed me that the world doesn't stop running; even when you are sick, tired, or just need a break. There are always bills to pay, events to save for, and dreams to accomplish. If I know what hard work is, it is because of you.
Thank you for the midnights. For carrying me from the couch to my room when you got home from work. For running from one town to another when I forgot my medicine at a friends house. For answering your phone, every single time I call. No matter what you're doing, or ridiculous hour of the night it is. You always answer. If I know who to depend on, it is you.
Thank you for the life lessons. For every time you preached them, and I let it go in one ear and out the other. At least I remembered them when it was critical. "Save your money, pay your bills, get an education. Never let a man rule your life." (Whoo, that one came in handy.) "Check the oil on your car. Learn how to cook." If I know how to get through life, it is from you.
Thank you for not letting me off easy. For holding me accountable, even when it was so difficult for both of us. For not bailing me out, and letting me find my own way. For yelling at me and pushing me even when I hated you for it. Without you, I wouldn't have graduated. I wouldn't know how to make ends meet when I'm down to a dollar to my name. If I know how to fall down nine times but get back up ten it is because of you.
Thank you for loving me. Even when I was a teenager saying those awful phrases teenagers shout at their parents before slamming a door. Even when I didn't listen to a word you had to say. Even when I found my own path which was a roller coaster that wound and twisted and even went backward a few times, instead of staying the straight and narrow. If I know what unconditional love is, it is from you.
Thank you for being proud of me. When I was performing on stage, and it was one of the very few times you ever cried. When I passed my GED after so many hours of hard work. I will never forget the sound of your voice (through tears) telling me how proud you were. If I know what an amazing dad is, I know it's you.
So thanks, Dada. For every time you were there. Whether it was something big or small. I am so grateful, proud, and happy to be your little girl. You're the best dad I got!