Who knew we'd end up as best friends? Crying over the never ending amount of papers we have to write, and over the free hot chocolate in the lounge.
Two years ago, I never would have imagined myself here, applying to schools (again), struggling with Capstone (cringe), and most importantly, dreading saying goodbye to some of the best people I've met.
When I was in my senior year of high school, I applied to nearly 10 schools, determined not to go to a community college. I was scrambling with the applications, worried about how the heck I was going to afford it, and afraid to leave my hometown. When I came to my senses and realized that I might be rushing into things, community college came creeping into my thoughts. And honestly, it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
I dreaded the first day, and quite frankly, I was afraid of some of you, my future soul mates. Afraid of the unknown, and stubborn to make friends because community college wasn't my first option. But slowly, short conversations about how much we dreaded English became hour long conversations on who our prom dates were in high school. And boy, were those stories funny. And those conversations about prom dates turned into which celebrities we would date and eventually what our big dreams were. And suddenly, I found myself excited to make the trip up to school, just to have a laugh with all of you.
Community college, as I've made clear, wasn't what I imagined my first two years of school would look like. I realized later that an education is an education, and community college was the best, smartest option for me (and it really is a lot better than people make it out to be). Although it wasn't what I pictured at the time, all of you were what I pictured. I imagined meeting my future bridesmaids and the brothers I never had. I imagined making road trips, going to dates at a coffee shop, and having a gang like in Friends. I might not have imagined getting lost in Boston but hey, sometimes life surprises you.
I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you. For the laughs when I needed them most. For the cries when we all needed them most. For the constant support and encouragement. For the moments that I will cherish, and for the memories that are ingrained in my mind. We watched each other grow more, and watched as some of us almost blew up the microwave with a hot pocket. We learned valuable life lessons together, and taught each other to appreciate different viewpoints and values. And you all have made me a better person by doing so. As I sit here, procrastinating applying to more schools, I pray that I find a group of friends half as good as you guys. Because really, I don't know what I'm going to do without you.