Dear Childhood,
You fill me with so many emotions. Memories of you makes my heart melt, and I could think of you forever if I allowed myself. You force tears, coax laughter and happiness out of me. I would not trade what you have given me for anything.
You have taught me so much. You taught me that bullies don't always look like the big scary kid that is often portrayed in movies. It is much more. It is being unkind to peers, and even friends. You taught me how to stand up to bullies. You taught me not to become one myself. I know how to stand firm for what is right. I know how to seek out justice in a positive way. Thank you for establishing my strong desire for truth.
I have learned that hardships are to be met with perseverance. When I would fall to the ground, holes in my jeans, knees scraped and bloody, I would run crying to my parents. They would remind me I was alright and encourage me to shake it off. Eventually, I stopped running and I stopped crying. You, sweet childhood, were my shelter in the storm, but also my encouragement to get up and dust myself off. As have grown older, I don't let myself bend under the pressure. I push myself back up. You taught me that.
You gave me fond memories. I cherish them greatly. Family always seems to make their way into the best ones, and I can't help but realize that the relationship I have with each of them now is thanks to you. You taught me that I'm not always going to have my way, but that's okay. Sometimes, I have to care more about the people around me. Reminding myself of this has made me a better sister, daughter, and person.
You gave me great friends. While some have come and gone, I have always had a person I can rely on. Through every season of my life, I have felt the blessing that friendship brings. You brought some of the best people to me and they will forever hold a special place in my heart.
You equipped me to learn by giving me excellent teachers. They inspired me to love school, and to love learning new things. They helped me grow in ways I never imagined. I chose to limit myself, but they chose to see my future as limitless. By giving me great teachers, you opened me up to a world of possibilities.
You taught me that life does not always last, but that's what makes it beautiful. You and I have both seen pain and suffering through loss of loved ones. You taught me that grief is okay for a time, but focusing on the days ahead and looking back on the pleasant memories provides healing. You gave me enough understanding to view each day as beautiful and to live in a way that fully shows the preciousness of life.
Thanks for all you have given me. You will forever be a part of me.