I'm sorry that I'm no longer there for you every minute of every day, but know that I will always be here for you. I am only a three hour drive or a phone call away, if you ever need me. Please know, I did not go to a college far away on purpose, but this is where I felt God leading me. I do not love you any less now that I'm over 150 miles away; if anything, I love you a little more. I love coming home to see your smiling, surprised faces. I absolutely love how happy you get when we are on the phone, and I can't wait until I can spend over 48 hours with you in a single visit.
When you get older, you'll understand how hard it was for me to leave you.
You've been the light of my life for the past ten years, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Every time I get a little sad, I just think of you and your annoying little self. You're my best friend, and nothing will ever change that. I hope that you know I'm not intentionally staying here some weekends, just so I don't have to see you. Sometimes, I have prior obligations like sorority stuff, or homework. And we all know, I can't do homework, while at home. I have tried and failed every time. Also, know that when I don't have time to talk, it's because I have so much schoolwork to do. And I wish I could talk to you instead, but I need to pass.
I am dreading the day that you graduate high school. I'll be 28, out of college and in the real world. Let's just say I won't be young anymore, and you'll be well over a foot taller than me. You've already outgrown my shoes, and you're getting fairly close to outgrowing me. Know that no matter how old(or tall) you get, I'll always see you as my baby brother.