To my older sister,
Thank you. I know you're supposed to end letters like that, but I feel like this one couldn't begin any other way. I just want to thank you for having the biggest effect on the woman I am today. You've shaped me from the start, even when you weren't trying. I have always looked up to you and strived to be even half the person you are.
Thank you for doing homework with me, for making me love school, and for teaching me to work hard. Thank you for teaching me to cook (still nowhere near as good as you). Thank you for doing my makeup and getting me ready for all the dances. Thank you for taking me to all those concerts and for making me enjoy them. Thank you for listening to me when I just need to be heard. Thank you for the tears, the laughs, the fights, the hugs, all the late night cuddle session, and everything in between.
Most of all, thank you for being my mom. You've stepped up so much in that department and I couldn't be more grateful. You've loved me like a mother for as long as I can remember, and I love you for that.
You are my best friend, my heart, and soul. I can't wait for you to be maid of honor and my children's aunt. I can't wait to have many more years of great memories to say thank you for.